Sunday, August 13, 2006

Welcome to the Self Made Tai Tai Blog

What is a "Self Made Tai Tai" alias SMTT? Founding member,Joanne, Ms NN-Smiler @ Gwen, and I, are aspiring taitai-wannabes. But we are not intending to be your typical taitais spending their husbands’ money. We want to be “self-made taitais”, earning our own keep.

In our efforts towards smtt status, I am documenting my chronicles to smtt-dom, things I am doing towards my financial freedom. This includes certain options trades that I have done, any internet marketing strategies that I am testing or adopting, business ideas.

I am in the process of putting together my web site at Until it is ready, do hang around my blog and check back for new ideas that you can adopt as well.

Do feel free to leave your comments or interesting stuff so that we can all benefit! We welcome anyone who wants to join our community.

Cheers to all smtt aspirants!