Network Marketing - Downlines or Products
That session on network marketing or multi-level-marketing was a good topic for debate and discussion with a friend.
I realised that through that information session on mlms, most companies seem to only tell you about the potential amount of money that you can make from your downlines. The questions that were asked, were also very typical. "How much money can I make?", "Is there a model on which I can calculate my potential income?".
My advice : Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The focus was mainly on downlines and not the product itself. But why??? If the products are so good, you don't even need downlines to do the selling or recruiting more downlines. That should not be the focus of the business. The business should centre around the product itself. And that is what I want to do, not recruit generals that recruits soldiers and form an amry that does no selling.
How is the business sustainable then?
Just my 2 cents' worth.
I realised that through that information session on mlms, most companies seem to only tell you about the potential amount of money that you can make from your downlines. The questions that were asked, were also very typical. "How much money can I make?", "Is there a model on which I can calculate my potential income?".
My advice : Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The focus was mainly on downlines and not the product itself. But why??? If the products are so good, you don't even need downlines to do the selling or recruiting more downlines. That should not be the focus of the business. The business should centre around the product itself. And that is what I want to do, not recruit generals that recruits soldiers and form an amry that does no selling.
How is the business sustainable then?
Just my 2 cents' worth.
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